With LIBERTY and JUSTICE - A Patriotic Presentation for Concert Band with Narrator or Speakers by Jeffrey L. Traster, Gr. 4


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Performance Time: 5:30

Key: Bb (Key shifts done with accidentals)

Meters: 4/4, 3/4

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What happens once you order:

  • A publication of this piece specifically licensed to you or your organization will be sent via email to the address you provided within 24 hours of your purchase. A secure, downloadable link to an mp3 recording is also included and available immediately upon purchase.

Program Notes: “With LIBERTY and JUSTICE”

The United States of America was founded on ideals rooted in the soul of humanity.  Our Founding Fathers sought to create a blueprint of community that defines us as “The People,” acknowledges us at our best and worst, and places the balance of these human polarities at the center of our survival.  Embodied in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, their words address the constancy and even necessity of conflict.  Yet, these words suggest that even in war we seek a path of enlightenment that leads to a resolution that embraces the ideals of liberty and justice for people engaged on both sides of the conflict.

 “WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE” presents quotes from political leaders over centuries who, in their time, struggled to define and live out these ideals in ways that have shaped America’s continuing evolution as a unique and powerful nation of diversity with cohesion that strives to embody the breadth of “Liberty and Justice for All.” 

QUOTES used in this piece: 

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”   Charles Montesquieu

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”   Thomas Paine

“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”   Abraham Lincoln

“It was WE who formed the Union.  And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty to the half of ourselves, but to the whole people.”   Susan B. Anthony

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”   Martin Luther King, Jr.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”   Nelson Mandela

“Justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other.”   Barack Obama

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Listen/Watch (YouTube)

Performance Time: 5:30

Key: Bb (Key shifts done with accidentals)

Meters: 4/4, 3/4

All Products are E-print – 

What happens once you order:

  • A publication of this piece specifically licensed to you or your organization will be sent via email to the address you provided within 24 hours of your purchase. A secure, downloadable link to an mp3 recording is also included and available immediately upon purchase.

Program Notes: “With LIBERTY and JUSTICE”

The United States of America was founded on ideals rooted in the soul of humanity.  Our Founding Fathers sought to create a blueprint of community that defines us as “The People,” acknowledges us at our best and worst, and places the balance of these human polarities at the center of our survival.  Embodied in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, their words address the constancy and even necessity of conflict.  Yet, these words suggest that even in war we seek a path of enlightenment that leads to a resolution that embraces the ideals of liberty and justice for people engaged on both sides of the conflict.

 “WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE” presents quotes from political leaders over centuries who, in their time, struggled to define and live out these ideals in ways that have shaped America’s continuing evolution as a unique and powerful nation of diversity with cohesion that strives to embody the breadth of “Liberty and Justice for All.” 

QUOTES used in this piece: 

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”   Charles Montesquieu

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”   Thomas Paine

“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”   Abraham Lincoln

“It was WE who formed the Union.  And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty to the half of ourselves, but to the whole people.”   Susan B. Anthony

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”   Martin Luther King, Jr.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”   Nelson Mandela

“Justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other.”   Barack Obama

Listen/Watch (YouTube)

Performance Time: 5:30

Key: Bb (Key shifts done with accidentals)

Meters: 4/4, 3/4

All Products are E-print – 

What happens once you order:

  • A publication of this piece specifically licensed to you or your organization will be sent via email to the address you provided within 24 hours of your purchase. A secure, downloadable link to an mp3 recording is also included and available immediately upon purchase.

Program Notes: “With LIBERTY and JUSTICE”

The United States of America was founded on ideals rooted in the soul of humanity.  Our Founding Fathers sought to create a blueprint of community that defines us as “The People,” acknowledges us at our best and worst, and places the balance of these human polarities at the center of our survival.  Embodied in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, their words address the constancy and even necessity of conflict.  Yet, these words suggest that even in war we seek a path of enlightenment that leads to a resolution that embraces the ideals of liberty and justice for people engaged on both sides of the conflict.

 “WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE” presents quotes from political leaders over centuries who, in their time, struggled to define and live out these ideals in ways that have shaped America’s continuing evolution as a unique and powerful nation of diversity with cohesion that strives to embody the breadth of “Liberty and Justice for All.” 

QUOTES used in this piece: 

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”   Charles Montesquieu

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”   Thomas Paine

“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”   Abraham Lincoln

“It was WE who formed the Union.  And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty to the half of ourselves, but to the whole people.”   Susan B. Anthony

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”   Martin Luther King, Jr.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”   Nelson Mandela

“Justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other.”   Barack Obama